New Improved Taste !


Better Faster Stronger
Mar 17, 2005
N. N. Raleigh, NC
So... there I was feeding my 2 cats this morning.. I noticed the new bag of cat food says....

"New Improved Taste"

How do they determine that ?

My cats will eat anything you put in front of them..

Maybe someone actually tried it?
I think you should find some of the old cat food and try that, then compare it to the new and improved style.
If they both taste like ass, well then drink a few more of those tasty beverages in your avatar to wash it down, and try again after ~10 pints. (Give or take 3 pints depending on size)
Rinse, lather, repeat :D

I saw a guy on jay leno one night... his job was a pet food taste tester. I'm guessing he tells them if they are better or not.
hopefully this is a better question-how can it be new and improved at the same time?
not knockin ya Mike, just referring to a recent email about someone's nine biggest things they hate-"new and improved" being one of them
new= as in never been before
improved= as in better than the old
as for the taste, I can ask my bro-in-law, he's in the habit of tasting pet food to impress the kiddos...