Ron Dum Spiro Spero Moderator Joined Apr 16, 2005 Location Sharon, SC Feb 14, 2008 #2 welcome read the stickies, save the burn
toyota231 Well-Known Member Joined Mar 22, 2005 Location Kernersville NC Feb 14, 2008 #3 welcome, what kind of rig do you have? Im just down the road a ways from you so maybe we can get together to wheel.
welcome, what kind of rig do you have? Im just down the road a ways from you so maybe we can get together to wheel.
purpleTJchick Well-Known Member Joined Apr 6, 2005 Location Durham Feb 14, 2008 #4 He catchs on fast.... All I remeber was a cj, that needs work, so you will catch him the in "wanted" section
He catchs on fast.... All I remeber was a cj, that needs work, so you will catch him the in "wanted" section