new obstacles at the farm

Ray we have a way to transport them and away to unload. My name is kevin and i do the foot work for the club in this area. So do you have a number that i can contact you at if so could you pm it to me. Thanks

Kevin, I can haul some on the dump truck and trailer also let me know
Guff those things weigh about 4400 pounds you could only put two your three on your truck and trailer. We could only haul 12 on tracter and trailer.But i can git the tracter and trailer any time we just have to buy fuel. So if we can git the concrete blocks for free the fuel will be no problem.
:bounce2:Well...we got out today and tested out the new obstacles!:bounce2:
Great day of wheelin!:driver: Not too much carnage for the amount of hammerin! :burnout:The new obstacles are indeed awesome! :Rockon:

Hopefully there are some pics n vids on the way!:rolleyes:

(Fun with smilies! LOL)
Would have loved to hit the rest of the new stuff but since i descided to break my ish within 30min of being there... I will post some pics of the broken portal box as soon as owen uploads the pics