''new'' tow rig the good and the bad


Active Member
Jun 4, 2006
Climax NC
Just before Christmas I picked up a 89 Ford F 250 IDI diesel for the high price of a case of beer. It was not running at that time. A new starter and replacing the scary veggie conversion and wiring I have a good running truck. Till yesterday it fired up ran for 30 secs and shut off. I started looking around I have fuel going into the injection pump but nothing going out to the injecters. If you are standing and the front of the truck looking at the injection pump you have two connections the one closest to you has 12 volts with the switch on . The one farer away has no power to it at all. I am a diesel newbie so any tips or advice would be appectated Thank you
Does anyone know what this electral connection is on the injection pump ?(the one that is to the rear of the pump )
i 'think' that one is the cold/start up advance. Should be fine with just 12v at the fuel shutoff.

Did you change the fuel filter or anythign reciently ? If so did you fill it back up with fuel first ? My guess is you've probably got air in the system. Crack all the injector lines a little and crank it over to purge any air (or gummed up vegi oil) out..

I'd say since you save so much on the purchase go buy a book... :)
try going to the appropriate section for your truck on thedieselstop.com, there are some awesomely knowledgeable people on there about idi's...