Nintendo Wii??


Active Member
Mar 20, 2005
Hampstead NC
Im considering trading in the XBox for the Wii. I played one this weekend and it was OK. I have looked online and cant seem to find any real good games for it though. Reason for it and not the 360 is because the wife likes Mario Party 8 and the interactive way you play the games. I also have a of younger family 12 and younger that stay the night. Any comments welcome. How hard it is to find the $250 version without buying the package deal? Does it cost to hook it up to the internet? About how much is it to download games? DO I have to buy anything special to play DVD's?
the wii is sick.

RESIDENT EVIL 4. The only game you will need so far. :p

Wario Ware is really fun. Mario PArty 8 is fun too. You just need 4 wiimotes for those 2. For resident evil 4 you need a nunchuck also.

I'll get some footage of re4 for you later today when i go to my buddies house who has a modded wii. Already playin burned games ;)
He just got transormers. heard it was sick.

SUPER SMASH BROTHERS for the wii is going to dominate the market on release. watch out
yea the sports games are good but i traded mine in because there wasn't enough depth to the games. i guess i didn't give it enough time with all these other games coming out but i think its great for wives and younger crowd. (non-gaming crowd). anyone can pick it up and play and your children would love it. i'm reluctant to get one again because of the games but its been a while since i had one.

note: by non gaming i mean people who aren't usually interested in gaming - i know young people are but women are usually not. not trying to generalize.
I own a wii and a 360 spend the extra money the 360 is definetly worth it i got bored with the wii really fast ive almost knocked out my two year old and i busted one remote against the wall when it flew outta my hand its been unhooked for about three months now but ive never unhooked my 360
I own both as well, and I love having both. The 360 is there for when you really want to get into a game but the wii is just plain fun. I found a 250 dollar one at walmart just by chance one day, and I've seen a few at K-marts as well. Early in the morning is the time to look for them. Madden rules on it and with younger kids they will eat it up. Try to get both if you can.
its not expensive to download games like 5$ or so and i dont think they make anything that allows them to play dvds i could b wrong though