No good deed..............


Endeavoring to persevere
Sep 26, 2011
Rural Apex n.c.
A buddy of mine stopped by a drive through teller machine around 1pm today in a large shopping center in Holly Springs. A minvan was stoped, blocking the one lane drive through 40' from the machine and a woman and her daughter were standing and looking down in front of the van. Stuck behind her He walked up and found them frightened and hysterical because an enormous Snapping Turtle was chilling in the middle of the driveway. He said it was as big as a 55 gal. drum, probly 25-30 lbs and had the typical large Snapper attitude to being bothered. He got a piece of pipe and proceded to move the beast greatly upsetting the bystanders who screamed at him that he was "hurting the turtle" and " you're killing him!!! " as the turtle flipped on it's back a time or two as he pushed it w the pipe. They both actually started crying and kept sceaming for him to leave the turtle alone. He managed to get it to the top of a berm and headed down some riprap towards a silt pond and as always was polite and respective to the women. I think I would have expalined to them that this is a Snapping Turtle and probly one of the toughest animals in the world, and there are lots of other animals that live here in N.C..........Or maybe grabbed it and tossed it in the truck to re-locate it, but tell them I was gonna go home and make a big pot of Turtle Stew !!
We had one show up in our yard a few years ago. About 1/4 mile to the nearest pond.

I called my neighbor...who had it for dinner that night. We are not in a "PC" neighborhood.
Well....if they wanted me to leave it alone, I would have walked to the ATM, gotten my money, got back in my truck, and left :D

I actually just did my first turtle rescue of the year last weekend. Good sized feller was crawling across the road on the way home from the dog park. I had to stop and get him out of the road. Something about people who don't stop for turtles just makes me kinda mad. It only takes a second and they don't bother anybody! I like turtles more than most people :rolleyes:
Well....if they wanted me to leave it alone, I would have walked to the ATM, gotten my money, got back in my truck, and left :D

I actually just did my first turtle rescue of the year last weekend. Good sized feller was crawling across the road on the way home from the dog park. I had to stop and get him out of the road. Something about people who don't stop for turtles just makes me kinda mad. It only takes a second and they don't bother anybody! I like turtles more than most people :rolleyes:

We have a small (3/4 acre) pond in the bakc yard and down stream 200 yards is a much larger (12 acre) pond.

Ive probably brought 8-10 cooters home in the 2.5 years we have lived here.
The problem is the damn things have started taking bites out of the bass and catfish in my pond. But I still love the big goofy slow things. They remind me of myself. :D

I ahve had a few funny stories though including losing a baby box turtle (seriously the guy was like not much bigger than a quarter) under the dash of a company supplid Chevy Impala...I had to remove the entire dahs to find the bastid and not have baked turtle in my car but we got him and my son still has him in his room s a pet today.

Then there was the 18 pound cooter in the truck of the wifes car....Turtles like german carpet apparently..Who knew?
I picked up a large Box turtle in the road one summer day in a large construction area and put it on the floorboard in my Toy. on my way home from work. a week or so later leaving the house I noticed a new "odor" in my dogbed truck and remembered I forgot to release the turtle ! I found it under the seat, along w some gifts and very active, crawling in the air as I held it. I felt terrible about leaving it in there in the hot weather. I got some water in a tupperware lid and set it infornt of the turtle and it stuck its nose in and drank for about 5 mins.! Then I set him in the shade and it was long gone 10 mins later probly gettin the hell away from me!
I live near a very swamp area and usually save a couple a year.

I too don't understand why more people dont stop and move them. :(