no heat in xj

i can't hold the hose. it gets really hot. so i don't know. figure i want to replace the heater core LAST! it's a lot of work :(

oh its easy.. try putting one in an explorer or blazer.... and you can do it without removing the entire dash, only lower portion needs removal I believe. remove lower dash panel (6-12 screws), three/four nuts inside engine cmpt and it comes out..

and switching the dash is complicated too. i don't know. i just would like to know the temp and my dash now doesn't show the temp or anything. i really want to know the rpm's

the cluster, you take the screws out of the bezel, four screws from the cluster, remove. (the gauges will transfer in looking at it) only need to replace oil pressure sender(next to oil filter) and temp sender(back of head, driver side), no need to pull dash.

Your friend :