No Start on '98 XJ


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2006
Statesboro, GA
Jenn went to start up the XJ this morning to head to work, no start. It would turn over just fine, but wouldn't fire. I went out there and looked at it. I noticed when I turned the key on, the oil pressure needle moved up to 0, but the battery and fuel needles didn't move. I can hear the fuel pump running. Jenn said it stuttered on her in a turn while she was driving it last night. Any clues?
I've checked and I have spark, fuel and air. I did some more searching over on NAXJA and came to the 93.7% conclusion that it is my CPS. When I turn the key to "ON" the fuel pump continuously runs and only my oil pressure gauge needle moves. I'm currently in the process of removing the CPS. Whey did DCX make this so hard?!