Nokia 500 GPS locks up...GRRRR!!!


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Aug 24, 2005
Concord, NC
I have a Nokia 500 GPS and it has started locking up when I touch "address" to put an address in. Anybody know what to do? I have checked Nokia's website and apparently I have the latest software. I may try hitting the reset button, but I hate to lose the points I have saved.
Have you tried a hard rap on a table, or some other hard surface? Anything beyond that, and I'm clueless. However, the "technical tap" did fix my friend's Slider/Chocolate/whatevertheheckitis. It would freak out when he hit any button.
Tapping doesn't help. I just locked it up again and hit the reset button on the bottom and that doesn't do anything. The user guide isn't worth the paper it was printed on. Their website isn't worth much either as I have searched it multiple times.
surely nokia has a customer service number you could call about it.
I've emailed them. I don't feel like waiting on the phone tonight, so if I don't get resolution by tomorrow, I will call.

Oh yeah, I have now also reset to factory default settings and that didn't help.