nOOb here

what other BGM is there? you still have that pig? i see a ... heep in yor avatar. i hope that is your friends:flipoff2:
Good to see you around, ever get the 727/203/205 setup all finished up and working?
Yeah I still have my dodge, but it has been retired from wheeling duties, I pulled the body lift off and dropped down to 35's and set it up to tow.
The heep is the new play toy, alot cheaper to wheel than the expensive ass Dodge.


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that is cool i reckon... at least you did not sell it to some random ass-hat. i have the deal in and driving but there is so much to do to it to get it wheelable i have not completed it. it drives great and the double low is real nice. i think i am fixin to yank the 727 for a np435 4 speed. now that the yoda is curing the wheelin itch and it is basicly done i am getting all amped up to make the dodge bad mo-fo'n ass. i have quite the closet build going on now. it will be sweet when it is all fixed up!
next time we head that way i will fill you in. have you been to river rock yet? if not you deffinitly need to check it out.