Not just for the ladies...


Human Resources
Mar 19, 2005
Sorry, but I knew that'd get attention! :beer:
The National WWII Museum collects handmade scarves for the 'Knit your Bit' Campaign. The program is based on a Red Cross program during WWII where people would make scarves, socks and other items to send to soldiers... It is super easy to do, so knit or crochet a scarf for a Veteran to receive this November 11.

There is a "Knit Your Bit NC" group that will meet on Sunday, Oct 5, 2008 from 1:30pm to 4:30pm at Cameron Village Public Library in Raleigh. Or there is an address on the website where you can mail a finished scarf.
Update on the Raleigh event:
In October local knitters/crocheters can bring the National WWII Museum’s project close to home by Knitting Our Bit for North Carolina Veterans.

We will donate completed scarves to the Museum, for distribution to veterans through VA hospitals and other veterans’ organizations. Your scarves will be distributed to North Carolina veterans. Participants will receive commemorative certificates.

Scarf patterns can be downloaded from the Museum’s website.

The event is this Sunday, 5 October from 1:30-4:30 at the Cameron Village Library.