np241 information needed


Aug 15, 2009
Lyle's Ford SC
OK I'm doing the 241 40p tone ring and VSS conversion on an Np205 and my question is, which vehicles are my best bet to look under for this 32 spline rear output 241? Does anyone have a 241 I could buy?
What all does the swap involve?

241s are easy to find. 88-98 Chevy 1/2 and 3/4 ton trucks. I picked one up for almost nothing, put an SYE in it, milled down an NP205 yoke to fit, and swapped the rear seal. Best I can tell you, all of the outputs were the same. The inputs were either 27 or 32 spline.
Excellent! All I basically need is the tone reluctor ring and the sensor itself. I'll be using a spare 205 shorty rear output, milling the tone ring down to fit in place of the 205 speedo gear and drilling/milling and tapping a hole in the 205 housing to accept the vss from the 241. There's some great threads on the procedure throughout pirate4x4 and ck5. $20 worth of junkyard parts and 2 hours labor will keep me from spending a ton with other options. If I could buy a complete 241 rear output housing assembly I could perform the modification with ease. I need to know what distance the vss nipple needs to be from the tone ring and what not. Having the 241 stuff in front of me when I do it would be my assurance.
Heck yeah man!! Much appreciate! Any parts you need I might have let me know