NP242 Transfer Case


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2015
Harrisburg NC
I'm trying to verify what transfer case i have exactly in my 2000 Jeep Cherokee Sport. It has four wheel part time, full time, and four low. Which tells me it is a NP242 but i'm trying to figure what out put spline count it has. i know NP242 J have a different one than NP242 HD. Any help will be extremely appreciated. According to the tag on my transfer case it is NP242 WJ i am not sure what the WJ means. I know the NP242 HD came in V8 Grand Cherokees with a 32 spline out put shaft.


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It is definitely 23 spline input. I doubt it is from a WJ because a WJ tcase doesn't have provisions for a speedometer gear like yours does, but I could be wrong. I guess the output spline count is 26.