Guns are bad. Only the police and military should have them.
The NRA has been a farce for many years.
I am not a black dude.
Hillary Clinton should be our El Presidente.
Socialism is the greatest thing ever!
I'm drunk as hell.
Our Lord was resurrected.
Joined once for a couple of years years ago ...... the solicitation for money was actually worse as member.
When I let it drop ..... the avalanche of mail was unreal.
The ARRL ( big Amateur Radio mouthpiece group) is pretty much the same way.
I decided a long time ago that one big rep group for one group of people is NOT a good thing.
I have despised the NRA for several years. They are nothing more than gun grabbers who convince fudds that they support our rights.
That said, Im not sold on that USCCA is in that same boat. I have only seen the one interaction, which was quickly countered by Tim Schmidt. I am a member and plan to stay one, but we will see how the cards fall.
I always shock people when I talk about how much dislike I have for them. I've been a member of JPFO and GOA for years.
The NRA is basically a Union. Most gun clubs require you to be a member so they can get NRA Insurance. There's your required Union Fee's for Protection that goes to Republicans.
(I'd vote for a head of rotten cabbage before a Democrat, but Democrat gun owners shouldn't be forced to give money that will, in turn, be given to a political party they don't support. Same for Republicans being forced to give money to Unions that give it to Democrats. It goes both ways.)