O2 sensor error

FYI, no dice on the Catclean as halfway suspected and halfway hoped.

While the numbers on the data stream still look better, Check engine keeps coming back with same 0420- 0430 codes. Guess I'm still looking at the inevitable replacement of the Cats in order to properly fix this.

Looks like not too difficult of a swap. luckily someone engineered this section to bolt in and can be done in the driveway. What i'm wondering now is, what quality do I need to run with? They really range in price and I only want to do this once.

Rock Auto:
View attachment 426659
Oem only! Call the dealer get a price then order online. Many dealerships in other parts of the country sell parts so much cheaper. Or you might be lucky to be in the area of one. But oem only
Oem only! Call the dealer get a price then order online. Many dealerships in other parts of the country sell parts so much cheaper. Or you might be lucky to be in the area of one. But oem only
SON OF A... What is it with you and OEM? :mad: :D

Of course my year is twice as much as all others. that doesn't make any damn sense. 2013 1500 with 5.3 is half the cost of the 2014, and they LOOK the same.
I'm not saying I'd throw some universal high flows cats on just to kill the smell and then tune out the rear O2s...but, actually, that's exactly what I'd do :lol:
I found a set at just under a grand. $960 I think. Have to go back in my laptop history. I’m on my phone now.

Edited... I read it wrong. :p

So, why not Mangaflow or a reputable performance brand? Those are in the $600 range that I found.
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I’m running magnaflow cats on a 2002 Toyota Tacoma 4cyl with California emissions, which means it has 3 cats, they been on for 75k or so and no problems. I know it’s 2 totally different vehicles but mine was eating o2 sensors before the new cats.

Mine were the cheap weld on ones cause I’m cheap and have a welder
The 14+ GMs are VERRRYYY picky about catalytic converters in stock form. That's why @Noel said OEM only.
The 14+ GMs are VERRRYYY picky about catalytic converters in stock form. That's why @Noel said OEM only.
I did magnaflows for a customer. They failed in Florida haha of all places ironically and he had to go to a dealer. They melted and put him in limp mode. I’d go oem or delete them. Weird all my cars seem to have military level emissions 😂
So I’m thinking, but the y pipe and gut the cats. Then drop some anti foulers/extensions the two down stream sensor locations.

Am I going to potentially still be looking at throwing codes?