OBDII communication problems


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Creedmoor, NC
Went in to have the Jeep inspected today and the tech couldn't get it to communicate with the OBDII. He rebooted once and it still didn't go through. Any suggestions on why we couldn't establich communication? The vehicle is a 97TJ with 2.5. Just wondering were to start looking. I'm gonna try a net search.
One of the pins on the OBDII conector should be hot (12V). If it is not it will cause this problem. If it is not hot it could be caused by a blown fuse or broken wire in the dash.

Yeah the tech had me looking for the cig lighter fuse. I couldn't find one on my TJ. Anybody know which pin of the OBDII is hot?
Got battery between pins 4 and 16 so power is not the problem. Since I have owned it, it has not been plugged in to. I just noticed the pins are very corroded (green). I guess I need to clean them up good. Wonder what the best way to do that would be?
If you can get it in there, a pencil eraser will work very well. We usta do that on million dollar printing presses. Just make sure you can get all the eraser bits out before you start.

Matt :huggy: