[Oct 19, 2013] Uwharrie National Forest OHV Trail Work Day (Eldorado, NC)


Human Resources
Mar 19, 2005
So we can get a head count and build a project list.
Coming up quickly it is. Still a go also. I will let Chris tell what all the plans are so far though. Maybe we can have the USFS personnel back by then.
This is going to be a little different work day......
1. We need to do a trash pick up day, but carry your cameras with you! What I want is pictures of problem areas and a quick decription of where its at(gps cords would rock). Without forrest service being there I am not 100% on what we can get.
2. Work on the switch back illegal bypass on Daniel. Yes the one we have fixed 2 times
3. Remove the logs from the bridges we took apart...

The main reason for #1 is for the meeting in December, I want to show we can do what they are asking. For next season I want a list that we can knock out. Basically we have no place for a master to do list.... When a club askes what can we do, pick an item or items and go with it. Also when more than expected show up, we will have enough for everyone to do. The feed back I have been getting this year is that people like the fact that there is enough for people to do on work days(not 20 people watching 20 work). I also want to keep a better before after picture gallery for us to use in the future if needed..

We will have access to the dumpster for trash, but please plan on bringing bags to this workday, with the shut down it has been hard to get a hold of items from the FS...
Sorry, but it was just me and Debra out there today, with a bit of help from some college kids out there.

Did some work on Daniel and that was about it.