OFF TOPIC: Property owners read here


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
Conway, SC
I am looking for someone that owns any property in eastern NC/SC on a major/Minor highway that is willing to rent me a small part of it out towards that road.. You can PM me with the details of what you have...

MODS: if this needs to be moved to the venders section please do so.

I am looking for someone that owns any property in eastern NC/SC on a major/Minor highway that is willing to rent me a small part of it out towards that road.. You can PM me with the details of what you have...
MODS: if this needs to be moved to the venders section please do so.

On 264 between G-ville and Wasington is the former site of Big Daddy Off Road. Apparently been empty awhile. Has a lease or sale sign out front.
happen to know who owns it or the address?

Nope, but I'm heading back down this coming Saturday AM. If you'd like I can PM you my cel and you can call me around 9am Saturday and remind me to stop and call ya.

I've got CRS. Cant Remember Shit. LOL The odds of me remembering to call you while groggy from a lack of sleep are slim and none. :lol:
yeah that works for me i appreciate it.. I just need a few places along some major roads to lease a small piece of land.. I love my job! lol