BE DAMN SURE you get everything tight and don't induce a twist into the lines when installing.
We have a truck in the shop now with a bypass system installed, has 56 miles on it, and the mains are wiped ! the installer of the system either left the line loose or put a twist in the line which let it loosen itself up and vehicle lost oil pressure on the road. $10,000 NON warranty repair, the pisser for this company is, this is the SECOND truck in 2 months that this has happened too (first truck had 11 miles) .
It is a significant enough event that the company that is installing the systems on the trucks right off the assembly line sent 2 men to the body manufacturer to check 384 trucks for the same condition.
That being said, I couldn't tell you how well the systems work or if they are a viable upgrade to your truck, just be damn sure the install is top grade and check everything!