oil is like choclate milk 98 chevy

I haven't messed with it but have some hopes it is fixed. After changing the intake and cleaning valve covers I never dropped oil pan. I put in 4 quarts oil and a quart of cleaner. drove 3 miles and oil was back to milk. yesterday I filled it back up and drove it 8 miles and the oil still looks like oil, maybe slightly off, and I did put in 1/2 cup coolant this morning but could still be working out some air. My temp sensor nolonger works so I haven't driven it far.
Temp sensor is easy fix, replace it.

And yes, it will take a bit for the water to work it's way out, generally once or twice filling with the cheapest dino oil I can find, running a few minutes at idle to warm it up, drain, refill, repeat, after that what little bit is left will evaporate out the PCV or breather once the engine is up to temp and driven for a while. And yes, you will have some air to work out of the cooling system, get it up to full operating temp and run for a while with heat on full blast, that get's it pretty well bled, after that it always seems like for the first couple driving trips after that it will bleed a bit more air out and need topped off, after that it is good. Sounds to me like it is fixed.