old magazines


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2005
I have 10+ years worth of petersons 4wheel, and JP magazines that are just taking up space in my storage building. I dont really want to just toss them in the landfill. Am I crazy, or do I remember something about someone wanting to donate stuff like this to send to troops overseas? Can someone point me in the right direction?
you're not crazy (well...I dont really know you...:lol:), but I remember a post like that too, When push came to shove, i couldnt find any info on getting the mags to troops. I posted in the freebies section, got a lot of intrest but finally ended up dropping all my old mags in the recycle dumpster. Maybe if you put them in the FS section, $20 obo, someone will grab them.
I sent ten years worth through the company I work for. I think I got the addy from upnover (Chip)