older land rover value???


everyday is a chance to get better
Apr 10, 2005
Greenville, NC
Whats something like this worth?


Whats it worth in a non-restored condition? Used, running, driving, but not restored. Average condition (no wrecks, average rust and wear and tear).

I've come across an older 4-door version that I like but I don't know much about them. I don't even know the year, just that its older and looks like the one above, just not in as good of a condition.

FWIW there is one like this sitting up in Roxboro on the side of the road. Looks rough, and he is asking $1k. No idea on condition otherwise since I didnt stop. If the frame and body isnt rusted out, toss an LS and tons under it and have a cool family rig. Probably a lot cheaper that way then trying to rebuild all the Rover stuff.
You definitely need to find out the year and/or model. A landy that looks like that could either be a Series III 109" or a Defender 110. The model obviously has a huge factor in the price. Also make sure that it has been legally tilted. A lot of these were brought into the country on the grey or black market.
If the frame and body isnt rusted out, toss an LS and tons under it and have a cool family rig.

Land Rover bodies don't "rust out", they are all aluminum.

That is a Series II posted at the top, I see you found that pic on the internet as I found the same one. Here is a nice concise page about how to identify them: http://www.lrfaq.org/FAQ.2.Ident.LR.html

I cannot offer much for advice on value. Since before I was a teenager I always wanted a Rover. One day I would still like to head on over to the UK, pick one up brand new and tear up the test track that they have there. A Defender, of course, none of the lame crap they are selling here.