Thanks to all the Rockcorps guys for a great event. I hope you raised a bunch of money. It looked like a good turnout.
It was cool to meet a bunch of folks from NC4x4.
We saw several rigs on their lids. Sounds like everyone made it throught he day unscathed. That's good news.
A special thanks to levellinebrad for taking me on a private tour of the park. And for spotting for me on the parking lot obstacle and Laurel Lane.
here's Brad showing his best side:
damn chris! looks like yall had a good time. how did the light bar and lights work out? Loud on the road? See ya soon
what no pics of bent partsThe only picture I have of my Jeep from last saturday.
Putting YJ back on tires. If anyone knows who this is, I'd love to make sure the passenger was OK. I know she hit her head in the dirt pretty good.
that's what i thought when i first seen it but it was another.this was my old jeep good to see it
i dont think so.this was my old jeep good to see it