I think I got around to actually installing the thing in August or so. Installation was no big deal. Ended up avoiding having to get into the hot ass attic because the power goes from the panel to the outdoor unit, then is bundled with the control lines and refrigerant in a single line that goes through the wall into the indoor unit.
Installation was shockingly easy. I spend more time making a nice fitting for the wall for the line to go through than anything else.
The unit comes pre-charged; all you have to do is connect the lines and join the inner and outdoor unit and then there's a valve you open to let the refrigerant escape. So then you have to look out for is ensuring that all the fittings are just really tight just like you would expect with any HVAC line. Fortunately my back door neighbor is a refrigeration tech and came by and used his pump and gauge before I cracked it open.... We found that there was a really small leak at one of the fittings. Just wouldn't quite draw all the way down, so he did a nitrogen Purge and we dug around until we could hear it. Couple cranks, retest, open the valve, done.
Going back to the original question at hand, we left the sliding doors in place and are just using this unit for conditioning. It's generally worked out fine, no trouble keeping it warm enough in winter, and yesterday even with it ridiculously hot outside and not having run it in there it was able to cool it down pretty fast. Totally worth the 500 bucks and a day of sweat to put it in.
I think I may have mentioned in another thread we're going to add a floor covering with an insulated layer in order to help out with the foot comfort level during the winter.
My only complaint about this unit is that there is no timed thermostat. The remote has all kinds of cool functions and modes and such, and there's a timer so you can tell it to go to sleep in X number of minutes or hours. But what I can't do is like you often do with a programmable thermostat and set a time-based setting. My wife goes in in the morning turns it on and then I find myself having to make it a point to turn it off when I go to bed. Annoying. Even when it reaches temperature it doesn't stop blowing, it just seems to stop the compressor.
I don't see anything in the manual about being able to directly wire the control board. It's on my to do list to pop it open and see what I may have to work with.
@JSJJ388 how have you found yours? With the non-school house are you doing anything to program it so it's ready when you need it but not all the time?