:gay:E-FIGHT!!!! I say yall spam it out on here.. First one to get a TKO through email wins!! No mass IM's or warez bots, you have to fight for yourself!

On a serious note, this thread is borderline :gay:

... Ok why sugar coat it, its just plain :gay:
reading comprehension pwns all you retards. I said that was some of the issue. I just got back in from being out in the field working. sorry I didn't have time to fill you in. I seriously doubt I held this thread up.
I/we have done way worse shit than that to each others trail rigs...this cant be really what this is about? :confused:
yes it is... thanks

STFU. I know you're his "buddy" and all but don't try and muddy the water. that happened to me and was only the the tip of the iceberg. it surprises me you even chimed in. are you being serious?
this thread delivers... I mean what's going on here?

Who's driveshaft was painted "rainbow" and i'm guessing a gay reference? Kind of looks more rastafari than rainbow to me...

Please Mods, let it play out in chit chat...

I'd also like to know ages....
Really? I didn't know anything about till after we had left that sunday... and I don't know what happened between y'all but you can ease off the attitude... I wasn't blaming you directly for the dshaft...

WTF!? you seriously don't know? you were there man. put it together!! I'm not going to tell what happened. I want Calvin to grow a sack, man up and admit it. If I explain it's gonna look like I made the whole thing up which is total horseshit and the sad part is you know that.

so what's it gonna be Calvin?
clearly i didnt asshat... or i wouldnt have posted anything about it......
10 posts into this lovefest I was wondering the ages of these "gentlemen". It's been asked several times and nobody has yet to answer. You guys really need to grow the fuck up. Oooooh somebody painted a driveshaft. Whooop de frickin dooo. Either someone needs to make a house call and kick some ass or start acting like adults.
This is getting to SERIOUS for me. I'm of to Bethel to settle this SERIOUS shit and find out who the baby's daddy is!!
So why would it matter if the guy painted someone else driveshaft? This thread makes zero cents.

This is a fantastic typo.
B/c it works both ways.