Other people’s food

you know...questions like this is the reason todays younguns get the freakin peanut allergies . We allways ate crap and dirt,hardly ever washed our hands,ate off of trees,bushes,ground and we are still here. I'd open it up,sniff it,and if it smelled good,it would be game on.
This. IMO we are ruining our natural immunity to bugs etc by being to uptight about cleanliness. Look how long humanity has survived, yet the prevalence of Purell is only within the last two decades.
If dude invited you inside as well, it sounds like they're just good ol' Southern folks being polite and wanting to share their goods. Unlikely it's their first rodeo. You'll know by the smell if it was properly sealed. Sniff test, then enjoy.
^^^^ it's like this with leftovers from a restaurant. Why throw away now what you can take home and throw away later? If I don't call dibs on it,it'll get thrown away the next day.
<Sigh> Other peoples food....
I've done meals for up to 350 people. Nobody died. I've ate great food on the tailgate of my truck because it was offered to me.
And my fatass likes to eat.
Now, at the Vet ride at URE last year i was cooking some marinated chicken on the grill.
A little girl asked me for some. I wrapped it in a paper towel so she wouldn't burn her fingers.
As she asked for more, she said this.
"You are the bestest cooker ever, except for my mom and dad"
I take that as a compliment.
I'm funny about eating things that people make at home and bring or sell. Most of the time I will eat it and just not think about it, but it all depends on who is making it. My Wife's Grandma is seriously Aunt Bethany from Christmas Vacation. They re wrap gifts other people have given them and they have tons of cats and when you walk in there house, it smells like straight up cat piss and dirty litter. I refuse to eat anything from their house.
As someone who cans, I have given 100's of jars of food away over the years. Many, have came back for more! I have never give, just to get rid of it. I have given it to friends, I have given to those who had I not, would have been hungry. The ultimate insult would be to ever find out they threw it away. I have been offered things I didn't eat, and I declined. An honest reply to a generous offer. But as I said as someone who cans food every year, I KNOW what goes into it. I know the cost, the labor and the time, that goes into it. If you are not gonna eat it, give to someone. Ask them first if they will eat it. IF they say yes, give it to them, and then it's not wasted.
As someone who cans, I have given 100's of jars of food away over the years. Many, have came back for more! I have never give, just to get rid of it. I have given it to friends, I have given to those who had I not, would have been hungry. The ultimate insult would be to ever find out they threw it away. I have been offered things I didn't eat, and I declined. An honest reply to a generous offer. But as I said as someone who cans food every year, I KNOW what goes into it. I know the cost, the labor and the time, that goes into it. If you are not gonna eat it, give to someone. Ask them first if they will eat it. IF they say yes, give it to them, and then it's not wasted.
My grandmother grew up on a farm during the depression. She saved, and canned, everything, up to a few years ago when she moved into a group home at the age of 95. Not so much as a matter of need (they had plenty due to Grandad's business) but a matter of social justice, community, and kinship w/ friends. There was always pride in anything she made, nothing left her kitchen w/o a seal of approval.
Ever the "proper southern lady", I will never forget the tone in her voice when she one day told me about some lady she had given some cans to, then later found out she had thrown them away... and that in the 15 years since, she had never been invited back to the house.
One of my clients (family ran a home-based business) gave me a liquor box full of mason jars one time, with, um, springwater in them. His wife called my cell as I was pulling out of the driveway. She couldn't say anything in front of him, but told me to take it home and pour it out. He was in early stages of dementia (which I already knew), and was doing weird things to the batches. I didn't ask what kind of weird things, I just dumped it.
One of my clients (family ran a home-based business) gave me a liquor box full of mason jars one time, with, um, springwater in them. His wife called my cell as I was pulling out of the driveway. She couldn't say anything in front of him, but told me to take it home and pour it out. He was in early stages of dementia (which I already knew), and was doing weird things to the batches. I didn't ask what kind of weird things, I just dumped it.
Aw heck, you shoulda at least tried em!
If it dont reek and it dont eat me first, Ill likely try a bite. If they were kind enough to give you some of their canned goods, Id be kind enough to at least give it a go. Canning is a lot of work, appreciate it.