Paper Gold


running dog lackey of the oppressor class
Mar 13, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Yea too much to read and no investment in gold here...
It's Obamas fault
for those that dont understand.

I have 1 light bulb.

I am going to be renting my lightbulb to interested parties.

i will store the the light bulb in my vault, but will send you a certificate verifying you have rented it.

since the lightbulb is going to remain in my vault, i am going to rent the same light bulb to more than one party.

If i rent the light bulb to 6 people, how many people actually possess a light bulb?
for those that dont understand.
I have 1 light bulb.
I am going to be renting my lightbulb to interested parties.
i will store the the light bulb in my vault, but will send you a certificate verifying you have rented it.
since the lightbulb is going to remain in my vault, i am going to rent the same light bulb to more than one party.
If i rent the light bulb to 6 people, how many people actually possess a light bulb?

for those that dont understand.

I have 1 light bulb.

I am going to be renting my lightbulb to interested parties.

i will store the the light bulb in my vault, but will send you a certificate verifying you have rented it.

since the lightbulb is going to remain in my vault, i am going to rent the same light bulb to more than one party.

If i rent the light bulb to 6 people, how many people actually possess a light bulb?

When you put it in light bulbs it makes so much more sense! :fuck-you:
Ahhh...That explains the origins of the joke, "How many _________ does it take to change a light bulb?"

Okay...that's all I have.