Parents of Kindergarten Kids...I have a question.


New Member
Aug 18, 2008
Pine Level
Hey dads.

The mid-year assesments they give kindergarten students:

Were you invited to a meeting/conference to review the information or was it simply sent home in their folder/bookbag, etc?

BTW....we are in Johnston County


This was an assessment to see growth from the "placement" assessment taken at the beginning on the school year. At the one in the beginning, we had to meet to go over it with the teacher.

Wasnt sure if the mid-year was reviewed with the teachers.


hey Chris, Samantha is in the first with Mrs. Mercer. She sent samanthas report home in her bag. We didnt have to review with the teacher. We could set it up if we wanted to but, we were happy with the results.
Also since your son has Mrs. Barbour start early on his sight words and practice reading as much as possible. We learned that with Samantha last year with Mrs. Barbour. Samantha was almost 2-3 levels behind in reading than the other kids from other teachers. Samantha is now at a level 12 which is good.
Luckily Grayson had a great preschool teacher...he is actually ahead on things....pretty far ahead.

Ive just gotten no communication this year. Im having a meeting today to see what I can do to fix it.

We had a mid year assememnt face to face with the teacher last month.

We got info in her class binder and we w also got an email (we do keep in contect with the teacher this way )

I am also in Johnston County.
Wow, all I have to say is, I'm glad there are teachers out there that actually care, and parents for that matter :beer: