patience seems to have paid off


Rarely serious.
Dec 29, 2010
About 8 years ago I made one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make. My ex wife would not allow me to see my kids and never told me why and I didn't have the money to fight her in court. After month of begging her to let me see them i decided to wait it out until they were old enough to contact me themselves. On Fathers day 2007 she brought them by to visit and that was the last time I have seen or spoken to any of my kids.

Three nights ago my oldest son, Jared, contacted me through Facebook and told me he is trying to get his mom to let him visit me. He is 14 now. In one more year she won't be able to stop him legally. I just have to wait for the two girls now. Chatting with him till 4am for two nights he seems to be a smart respectful kid. Maybe something in those first few years I taught him stuck. I can't wait to actually see him in person. Hopefully it wont be too long.
wait...... you mean there's more of you out there???? o_O haha JK.

my dad walked out on us when i was 9 or 10. had the occasional weekend visits that eventually dwindled to not even a phone call. well he popped back up 2 years ago (20 years later) and tries to act like nothing has happened. we talk here and there.... but dont think it will ever trily be a father/son relationship

but big props to you for trying to stay in their life. i'm sure they will appreciate it. good luck and i hope it all goes well with all of them.:beer:
Yep there are at least 3 more of my spawn running around. It has nearly killed me all this time to be apart. Any cards I sent them got returned. Cards and gifts my parents sent got returned. Shortly after Steph and I got married Steph went up there (after I had told her to leave my ex alone) to drop off a birthday card. About a week later a sheriffs officer showed up at the house with charges for harassment. My ex is a bitch. About 5 years ago a friend of mine drove through the town she lives in on the way to a job. She saw his truck and called me bitching about having him spy on her. HE wasn't even within a mile of her house.

After chatting with Jared for 2 nights he likes cars and girls ( thankfully) and gospel metal music ( can't win them all I guess). He has realized that his Uncle ( the worse influence he could have possibly had) is insane and he likes Chevys. SO all in all I ma happy.
I am in a similar situation. I look forward to the day my daughter calls me to ask wtf. I have refused to turn over paternity rights and elected to pay and not see her so I will have the ability later. Good luck.

Side note:
How many Damn kids u got? You found women that would actually let you sleep with them? Must be family members!
I cannot imagine. You patience and view point is admirable to say the least. I have one kid that I look forward to seeing and playing with every day after work.
Glad for you, there is no better joy..
Good luck and well wish's in the future!
It will spread to the other 2 kids... :) Wish you the best with all of them!
I spent 3 long years of not seeing my daughter. Finally, after spending 20K on lawyers, we got the opportunity for my daughter to tell the judge she wanted to live with me and why. The process wrecked my nerves and my finances, but she is happy now. The only thing I really hate is she spent so many of the formative years under her mom's influence. She knows whats right, but has to fight the built in impules to be like her egg donor. Trying to keep kids from being the rope in a tug of war is tough. I had to drop my end of the rope several times to keep her from being hurt. So, I feel your pain, brother. Good Luck!

WTF? That guy sounds kinda angry. I bet his concerts are 2 songs long before his voice gives out. I also only heard "There will be vio lence" Is that the only lyric or just the only one that is understandable?

War Beast, glad he's decided to contact you and start getting to know you. I'm so fortunate that my ex isn't totally bat shit crazy and we split time 50/50.
I dont know you or your exact situation but Im in kinda the same boat as you. Haven't seen my son in around 5 years now. Im glad that this has worked out for you. Ive contacted lawyers and everything else but it seems the laws are in her favor. Good Luck with your reunion!!
I reconciled with my 2 daughters back ib '98. Hadn't seen them since '86. My ex blocked every attempt of mine to keep in touch. Glad my oldest stepped out and contacted me.