Paying taxes and the license plate bureau - rant


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
Burlington NC
I just went and registered a new to me truck. When I looked at the receipt I noticed they charged me city and county tax on it. I don't live in town, so I brought this to their attention and was told I had to go to the tax office to get it straightened out and get a refund, gonna also bring up the gas it took for me to make the special trip :) .
Make sure you save your receipt when you pay these. With the transition to "taxes and tags all at once", they tried to tell us we had to pay taxes on a vehicle twice. We had just paid them the prior month, but it wasn't showing in the system. We pulled the receipt and had them run the number from the receipt and magically, it appeared.
Yup...same thing happened to me in a recent move. Watauga and Durham counties tried to get me individually since my registration location changed mid year, then my tag was transferred to the CTS-V when I got it. It took a few hours of calling back and forth between county tax offices and DMV but it was worth it. They were trying to double bill me. Saved about $350 by the time it was all fixed.
Dang....I think the most expensive vehicle tax bill I get is 24 bucks. The other two are like 5.50 and 3.75 :D

I like that I can now pay my vehicle tax at the license plate agency though. I never go anywhere near Craven County's tax office, so it's handy for me. Luckily, they haven't tried to pull a fast one on me yet.
Just wait till they start taxing according to mileage.
That's about like when you go to get the title for a vehicle, but no registration/tags. They still make you pay the 3% highway use tax.