pick your part


New Member
Jan 9, 2007
Greensboro, NC
ok so today my dad nailed my parked taurus, which i planned on selling to be able to put more crap on my jeep, but now i've got a huge gash (2 feet wide, 4 feet long) going down two door panels on my car, so its pretty much useless. You think anyone is in the market to putting any taurus parts on their jeep or any off road/on road vehicle. lemme know what you think? P.S will the alpine radio head in my taurus fit into a 1990 YJ if i buy the right harness for it?
Sounds like your dad owes you some jeep parts.:beer:
The taurus electric radiator fan is a pretty hot item. With pretty hot only meaning $30-50 in this case.
im either thinkin of parting it, sending it to one of those chop shops to get some dough for it, or donating it to the kidney foundation for a tax refund. I really don't wanna ask my dad for jeep parts because he technically bought the jeep for me and i don't have to pay him back. so idk what to do. p.s, the taurus was his old company car that he bought, only has like 75K miles on it and almost no rust except for a little bit on the back right wheel well. really don't wanna turn this into a jerry springer event.
it is a 1995 taurus
would you say the 3G alternator is stronger than the stock jeep alt. even if it(jeep alt.) was replaced less than 500miles ago?
is there an easy way to check the amperage, cuz if so i may consider doing a swap between jeep and taurus?
Should have it etched on the housing. If not pull it off and take it to Advance or Autozone. They will test it for free and should be able to tell you the amp output.
What about buying new doors from a junk yard?