Piedmont Truck Tires - Raleigh


New Member
Oct 13, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Has anyone ever dealt with this company out on Westgate? I asked the guys at Walker Napa and this was the one mechanic that they all suggested to work on an '01 CTD.

I've got a side cover gasket/tappet cover gasket leak and am leaving a good 6" diameter circle of oil every time I park. It's time to get it fixed.

I've got an appointment for Thursday, so if anyone has suggestions of where to get this done, I'm all ears. I looked in the vendor suggestion section and called the one that Ken Carter posted about, Chason diesel. They were higher labor wise than Piedmont though.
spykosshow;673115I looked in the vendor suggestion section and called the one that Ken Carter posted about said:
maybe you didn't talk to the right person, i know this happened to me when i went to go get some exhaust work done, the owners son answered the phone and told me about $150 over what the owner did it for. some people just can't (guess-ta-mate)
Piedmont just called me, and their mechanic doesn't feel comfortable doing the work. He's afraid that he'll tear it down and not be able to get it back together for some reason.

I called Chason, and they're going to try and work me in before friday.