Either you can calculate where your pinion yoke will be and use an angle finder on your driveshaft like 'nuts said, or you put the new spring perch on the axle, loosely clamp the u-bolts, and rotate the pinion till it's where you want it. Put a few tacks on the perches, pull it out, and burn 'em in.
Never hurts to set the pinion 1° down to allow for a bit of spring wrap during operation.
C/V D/S or standard 2-joint? You know which requires what angle, right?
SYE with Tom woods DS doesn't mean anything to me, sorry.
The only thing that matters is do you have a double-cardan (CV) or a 2-joint shaft? make sure you set your pinion angles accordingly, is what I'm sayin.
SYE and a 2 joint shaft? Just wanting to make sure we're all on the same page on this one. 2 jointshaft being one U-joint at each end of the shaft, right? Reason I ask is everyone I've known to do a SYE has gone Dbl CV shaft.
if 2 joint (Non CV) you want the pinion parralel with the T-case output (typically). If Dbl CV then you want the Pinion pointed up at 1-2º below the T-case output.