Pinion movement question


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2005
On your mom in Winston Salem NC
Got a question, how much "in and out" or froward and cack movement should the pinion/pinion yoke move when you go from forward to reverse. The jeep I just got is a YJ with 44 rear and 30 front both have lockers. With the wheels off the ground and the vehicle in neutral, while rotating the driveshaft with my hand one way then the other, looks like the pinion jumps back and forth when I change rotational direction, pinion will go in some then out, I would say 1/4 to 1/2" of movement.
does this mean pinion bearings are worn out? Or is the pinion depth incorrect. I went out to my XJ and moved the front driveshaft the same way, some play but not near as much as the YJ. I popped the front cover off the YJ and the ring gear looked ok, but you could physically move the pinion gear in and out some. Anybody got any ideas?
Pinion moving in and out is yes to both questions. The pinion gear is changing depth when the movement occurs. Time to replace bearing and reset pinion depth if not too late. I would park it until fixed!

ANybody know any good R&P techs around the Winston Salem area? Also what should I expect to pay for the service assuming R&P are still good?
I've done a ton for members on here. Been building them professionally for about 12 years now. I can, but I'm a good 2 hours away.
I know ECGS has great service and may be a little closer.
My number's in my sig, call me if ya need to.
If you are going to race that thing, you should do a shackle reversal on the front.
If you are going to race that thing, you should do a shackle reversal on the front.

Yeah Im debating it right now, really almost got too much toed up in it to race, not to mention the new pinion problems