Plastic clips


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2006
Welp, exactly what I thought was going to happen happened. Broke all the dang plastic clips holding on the door panel of my wrangler. Where does one find the replacement of those things? Not even shown in all the part views I’ve seen

Ordering an assortment of Christmas trees and various panel clips off eBay is the preferred way, but any auto parts store next to their "help" section has them.
Find an OEM parts dealer with a parts blowup, then find the part number. Then search Amazon for cheap replacements that cross ref to those. You can also get them from Kent Automotive or a similar place (often local auto paint or auto body supply house), but not always as easy to cross ref with a part number. There was a fantastic paint/body place down the street from me in VA (late '90s) that had about 500 types and colors in stock, all organized in a wall of Vidmar/Lista-type cabinets. Those places still exist, you just have find them in your local area.

Or you Google it (YJ door panel clip), and get this:
Door Panel Retainer Clips (25 Qty.) | Morris 4x4
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