Playing around at Barnard's this past weekend

uncc civilengineer

Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2006
Pfafftown, NC
Just though I would throw up some pictures since none seem to be getting posted much anymore





Where's that?
Did you have permission to ride? You should know everybody is gonna wanna ride there now. #1 problem with offroading, not enough places to ride.
Yeah I know, the place is awesome I just wish I could purchase it. It is very beautiful except for the PUNK kids going down there on the weekends and drinking and throwing their trash down. (IT chould use a good cleaning up on some of the banks).

We do have permission to ride and maybe sometime soon we could get a SMALL group together and go out there but i'll have to talk to Woodkrawler about that.

Maybe we could even convince Woodkrawler and his brother Hammerite_05 to build some more trails out on his parents farm which is about 15 mins from Barnards.
I miss that thing steve. Although I havent seen the k5 yet. the xj was damn sexy
that looks like a bigger version of what we have played on down in Clover, SC
pics look good man.....but i want to know why i was not called since you or lincoln would not have known about it if it wasnt for me.....LoL