Playing on some rocks near WCU


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
Chesnee SC
My roommate and I went out to do a little playing with his yota while it was nice and wet out. Heres a few videos. The first three are all the same spot, probably the hardest little section out near us...hes made it up it on 32's when it was dry though, and hes open open btw.

Heres a shot of the section coming from behind...still doesnt really do it justice...

Then some other rocks...

Enjoy...I hate not having my heep to go out and play :(
Definately time for some lockers. Nice truck
Ya we are welding the diffs this week....even the front too :handed:=birfields. I think he's putting a new clutch in next week. Dont really knwo what hes going to do about gearing but he'll have longfields before too long also.
Weld Rear, and Get some 4.7 Gears for T-Case... Before the Clutch goes.
rear just got welded and the clutch just started slipping.