Zeek Rewards/Zeekler auctions
It was marketed to "investors" as a MLM opportunity (multi level marketing) where you put in so much $, then "buy" bids on the auction site and give them away or give them back to the company and they give them to bidders, etc. (or something like that).
Start off with at least $500 and buy a membership in $20/$50/$100 monthly levels. Those levels determine you payback and "rewards" etc.
Anyway, people were speculating that it was a ponzi scheme for a while but the SEC didn't have anything, yet, because it supposedly funded the auctions, etc.
I had a friend that wanted me to join. He was a member, and for every person he got to sign up, he got $$$. However, there was a min. of 90 day waiting period to withdraw $. I've read hundreds of stories online about people requesting their $ and never seeing it and their account closed and nothing, ever. The business address is a field in Lexington somewhere, no actual business.
I never joined but my buddy lost a couple thousand $$$. I was skeptical, so I held off.
Sorry for the people that lost $$$...