Possible to Reassemble Harmonic Balancer & Reuse?


Mar 16, 2007
When removing the harmonic balancer from our Blazer 4.3 engine I without thinking used a 2-arm puller(I didn't have the correct puller at the time, the one shaped like a duck's foot) on the harmonic balancer outside pulley & ended up separating the two parts from one another. I was able to put them back together with the rubber strip between the two but should I try to reuse this or would I be better off replacing it since I don't know if it'll be truly balanced now? Thanks.
Yea, get a new one. It's like Humpty Dumpty. That is what balances the engine if it's not right the engine isn't balanced and it won't last very long.
We used to make harmonic balancers where I work. When they are pressed together they use tolulene to make the rubber bond with the steel, then they balance them. I don't think I would trust it, even if it stayed together, like the other's have said it's more than likely out of balance.
Thanks for the responses.:beer: