Prayer Request for fellow member and ECORS racer

Brad, wife, and newborn are in my prayers.
i dont know Brad that well, but just ran into him while i was helping snappy today. Keep praying guys.
Hey guys keep the prayers coming... We had to go rob parts off Brad's old race rig and he was at the house picking up a few more things... Said that the baby still had a fever and doctors still really doesn't know what what the deal is.....
I have never met Brad or his family,but as a Father of 3 I can not even imagine what a hardship they are enduring.I just sent the strongest Prayer that I know how straight to where it will be heard.God Bless you and your family in your time of Need.
Update as of 150am, he went into infant icu after having a collapsed lung, finally talked to a doctor who is older than me. He said they put in a chest tube to drain the fluid and re inflate the lung. Also found some puss in the lung and think its a bacterial pneumonia. They think this could be the main problem, he is such a little fighter though, just seems like he can't catch a break, keep the prayers coming, it really helps to read all the well wishes. I know deeP down he's gonna pull through
Good Luck Brother,I will keep the prayers going on my end,God Bless.
Make sure you tell your wife that we are all pulling for you ALL.

I hope today is a great day for you all. Little man just dont know how many fans he has.
He will though!
Hey guys I should have us an update her in a little while.....
just talked to Brad and the doctor was walking in.