Prayers please!


overcompensating underachiever
Jan 30, 2008
Burke County (Hildebran)
My little man Maddox has to have his tonsils and adnoid removed.
This will be his third surgery in four years. All have been fairly minor surgeries but it's never good putting them to sleep.

Please Keep him in you thoughts. Thanks
Prayers out to your son..
Funny thing was in recovery my wife became more of a patient than he was. The nurse was talking about blood control and clots and all that stuff and w/ in a minute she turned white as a ghost and all but passed out. So they had to tend to her more that the little man that just came out of surgery.
Last time I seen her like that was when I mashed my finger off in a glove. She did good till the doctor turned the glove over and dumped the end of my finger out on the table.:rolleyes:
Glad to hear he is doing well.
Glad to hear all went well! Wishing a speedy recovery. Went through the same.....over 40 years
just seeing this. u could've let me know. we txt about bs all the time. anyway, glad to hear is doing well. Im sure he hasn't slowed dn awesome lil fella!