pre-wedding adventure ideas


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
My bro in law is getting married next Sun (awful time for a wedding) in Greensboro. Rehearsal and dinner are Friday, also in Gboro area.

Need ideas for "bachelor" stuff in the between day (sat), yes we'll probably go out Fri or Sat night (or both lol).
His best man was planning to take him and a couple of us to a ropes course, had a few identified (e.g. , ), however it sounds like he thinks not many folks are interested so he's bailing on teh idea.
I love the idea of doing something moderately high-adventure... Darren is craving adventure activity but rarely gets it... he and I did a road trip to Newfoundland a few years ago, went wilderness backpacking in a "find your own path" kind of thing...

Anyway, looking for suggestions in the Greensboro-ish area (say, within 1.5 ish drive?) we could do on that Saturday....

I'm thinking skydiving... lol
Well Damn BIL claims he's afraid of heights so he says no skydiving. Pansy.

...also he lives in raleigh so that area is optional too...
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best way to conquer fears is to take em on.

so do go skydiving!

And skydiving isn't about being scared of heights. You are so high up, you have no idea of perspective and its difficult to be scared of heights. Last week there was a lady climbing and rappelling with us. She loved skydiving but was deathly afraid of heights and couldn't do the rappelling and climbing; she literally froze up and we had to take time to talk her into taking the short (easy) route out on to flat ground.
Indoor sky diving in Fayetteville?
?? that sounds... dangerous... and interesting... but I'd think that would be even worse for somebody w/ height issues.

FWIW I agree w/ Rob but I'm not the guy that has to be convinced
US National White Water Center in Charlotte?
There's always paintball central... Who doesn't like shooting eachother?
Kersey Valley Zip Lines come to mind?
USNWC in Charlotte would be good. If he is afraid of heights, everything there is all as tough as you want to make it and you're harnessed in. Great way to break that fear.
Scuba diving!! Beats the ole hookers n blow weekend!
He likes the idea of indoor skydiving, but from GBoro the place in Fayetville is a hike. Are there any others?
Argh it looks like weather is dicey Sat, scattered thunderstorms everywhere. So outdoor stuff is tenuous.
Does Paintball Central have indoor facilities?
Anybody been to "Indoor urban paintball" up 52 N of Winston?
what happened to just getting him drunk and doing stupid shit... been a staple of the human race for the past what... 10,000 +- years?