Precast concrete slabs

I would call your inspector and ask what he wants to see because there are code issues with back fill heights. He will tell you what code requires unless the engineered that sealed your plans specified certain materials and backfill heights. I know the plans I do are sealed by a structural engineer and have details for foundation wall thickness based on back fill. Not sure what they will require in your area. Each municipality is different.
Around here you can use 8" block for up to 4ft of fill, or however much you want if it is balanced.
I've been told from multiple sources that washed blue stone (#67 I think) requires no compaction. 24x24x3 + 24x24x1.5 is the area to be filled. Thats 64+32, about 96 cubic yards. I want it to be less too, but it just isn't.

I guess I just over think things...

On another note how did you come up with that volume? Looks to me like you're saying you have a 24x24x4.5' area to fill? Is that right?

In any event that's a lot of stone. Would it have been more cost effective to have excavated as opposed to "filling"?
Yeah, thats what I've got to fill. If I excavated it, I would have to drive around the back of the building to enter my garage. In the long term, it all makes sense. Most of my land is on a hill, so i will be filling in front of this to give a nice level front yard.