I suspect we could be in for a long recession (neg GPD for 2 qtrs or more), perhaps even depression (decline of GPD by 10%)!
Sort of like the "Perfect Storm" we have rising prices and stagnant growth (stagflation) and I would not doubt a bit if this will take several years to clear up.
Japan had a really LONG depression period starting in the mid to late 80s, 10+ years if I remember correctly and they are still 'recovering' from it? Remember back when everyone thought we all needed to learn Japanese, etc in school / they were taking over the world financially?
So "what if" this is true, what are the ramifications of a long recession or depression. In looking back... jobs were hard to come by, prices for daily/living items such as food grew out of control.
With the credit crisis, some of the things I would expect to start hearing about:
Credit card companies start CLOSING accounts! This will really hurt consumer spending since MANY folks having been using them as a crutch. [I think this will be the biggest blow yet / people may have to learn to live on what they MAKE!]
Foreclosures...honestly I think gov't is gonna slow this down quite a bit. People will be expected to "pay something" / but the actual threat will be greatly reduced.
Jobs...make sure yours is secure..but PLAN like it isn't / get those credit cards PAID off, prepare for the worst. Bankruptcy laws are MUCH tougher now to get relief...
Investments...we might see some shrinkage in the overall US market. I am seriously thinking of changing my future purchases to be a bit more international in flavor (US economy may go south but Asian market may go thru the roof, or EURO or...)