If your not too concerned with pressure or mobility, my first washer was Electric. It did a good job, for it's size. Harbor Freight & others, still sell them for around $80. Generally have about 1200psi, with a 20-25' hose. My next one is a 6hp Honda engine with about 2700psi comet washer. Soap/chemical injector, [which no longer works] 25' hose & various tips. The manifold need to be resealed,but I still get by with it. Got some age on it. You can find similar washers on sale at Lowe's & HF, for between $250-300. Will cost me over $100, just to repair mine. But the Gasoline jobs, are bigger, need gas, & take longer to get out, hook up, & put away. it just depends on what you need. Not much to loose if you start with the Electric, & then decide you want more. I had an electric given to me that needs a small repair. If I can get that done, I'll probably use it more than the Honda!