Produce is expensive....


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2008
Lake Wylie, SC
Anyone grow their own produce? I have a potato gun Im working out the kinks with and buying a sack of spuds from the GC is costing around $7-9 bucks for 8 potatos which run out quick!

If anyone grows their own spuds and has some ugly ones that dont look too edible send em my way or come on out and lets shoot some :poop:
Just grow your own for next year. Taters is easy to grow. Stick a couple somewhere cool and dark and let them grow eyes then cut the eye sections off and plant and forget about them for a while. IN a couple of months you have all the ammo you can shoot.
I have a aggravating butthead living next door that can attest to how easy taters can grow. Whenever he needs a lesson, I Shoot a few up on his roof and let them roll into the rain gutters. After a few days of rooting into the crap in the gutters, it looks like a jungle is growing out of there! Best use for a tater gun yet!:fuck-you:
I have a aggravating butthead living next door that can attest to how easy taters can grow. Whenever he needs a lesson, I Shoot a few up on his roof and let them roll into the rain gutters. After a few days of rooting into the crap in the gutters, it looks like a jungle is growing out of there! Best use for a tater gun yet!:fuck-you:

Best tater gun story yet! :lol:
as for growing taters, loamy or sandy clay mixed soil works best. well tilled and a medium moisture content. too wet and the plants will rot at the stem. hard non tilled compacted soil, especially soil high in red clay doesn't produce good taters. Sweet taters tend to keep better in the fall winter months, to me they seem more hardy for strorage.
Learning to plow them out of the ground takes a little practice.
Plant them in an old tire. As it grows add more soil and another tire. Keep stacking till you are too short or scared of it toppling over. Remove tires as needed to expose ammo as needed.
find a sweet potato field and get permission from the farmer to glean it after they pick the marketable ones. there are tons of potatoes left in every field that are a little odd shaped that they cant sell.
Back in High School, yeah a long time ago. I had a really good source for Tennis balls, they worked great in the tater gun!
I could clear The entire stadium at East Burke High School, from the parking area.
Ummmmm that is if I would have had a mind to!
Ha ha love the taters filling up the gutters story. Yea this gun is ignited with starter fluid. Previously I used Axe body spray and it would fire on the 3rd or 4th try but the wires got corroded so I restripped them and am using starter fluid but it wont ignite? My roommate thinks he needs to blow air into the chamber to mix with the fluid but I just shoot a straight shot in, neither worked? So Im thinking it is the potato since I froze them and they are hard as a rock.

So back to the drawing board - I dont know why this thing is not firing!
Order a cheap stun gun off ebay. Install machine screws into your fire chamber so that they point at each other with about a 1/2 inch gap. Wire each leg of the stun gun to the left or right screws. I put my screws in at a 45 degree angle from the bottom so it made an "A" shape with the gap at the top. I did a row of 3 sets wired together (Land R). I shoot propane, hairspray, starting fluid, napatane, map gas, etc...

I also put a 12 volt computer fan in the breech where you screw the cap off. It runs off a nine volt and a little push button. This will clear the burnt gas and put fresh air into it.

Put your tater in the barrel and push it in a little. Inject your gas. Then shove the tater on home. This compresses the mixture like a piston in a engine. Now it will really go boom!:lol:

Obviously, if you arent sure your plumbing skills are 100%, dont do this. I would consider this a "max effort" tater gun.:wheel: I use the highest PSI rated pipe and follow proper etching and glueing techniques.
I have a aggravating butthead living next door that can attest to how easy taters can grow. Whenever he needs a lesson, I Shoot a few up on his roof and let them roll into the rain gutters. After a few days of rooting into the crap in the gutters, it looks like a jungle is growing out of there! Best use for a tater gun yet!:fuck-you:

Some people will think you're the devil...

other people will think you're the devil and want to party with you. :lol:
Ha ha love the taters filling up the gutters story. Yea this gun is ignited with starter fluid. Previously I used Axe body spray and it would fire on the 3rd or 4th try but the wires got corroded so I restripped them and am using starter fluid but it wont ignite? My roommate thinks he needs to blow air into the chamber to mix with the fluid but I just shoot a straight shot in, neither worked? So Im thinking it is the potato since I froze them and they are hard as a rock.
So back to the drawing board - I dont know why this thing is not firing!

I assume you saw the tater gun thread...
you can get way more consistency+distance w/ compressed air...
Order a cheap stun gun off ebay. Install machine screws into your fire chamber so that they point at each other with about a 1/2 inch gap. Wire each leg of the stun gun to the left or right screws. I put my screws in at a 45 degree angle from the bottom so it made an "A" shape with the gap at the top. I did a row of 3 sets wired together (Land R). I shoot propane, hairspray, starting fluid, napatane, map gas, etc...

I also put a 12 volt computer fan in the breech where you screw the cap off. It runs off a nine volt and a little push button. This will clear the burnt gas and put fresh air into it.

Put your tater in the barrel and push it in a little. Inject your gas. Then shove the tater on home. This compresses the mixture like a piston in a engine. Now it will really go boom!:lol:

Obviously, if you arent sure your plumbing skills are 100%, dont do this. I would consider this a "max effort" tater gun.:wheel: I use the highest PSI rated pipe and follow proper etching and glueing techniques.

Wow thats a hardcore tater gun! Is it an automatic too runining off a 6 barrel chain :rolleyes:?

Yea I dont think my plumbing skills are up to par for that. Id probably blow my face off...

Good news is I was spraying the fluid too close in the chamber and it wasnt mixing right with the oxygen. So two squirts into the chamber from about a foot away and boom! Shes working like a champ!

Yea I saw the earlier thread about how compressed air works better, but dont have the means to do so.. Plus - I like having a big fireball shoot out the barrel with a big boom