profanity trail in harlan

From Site.....

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:35 am
We were up at the park this weekend and met the owner of the park and some official park warden or something. Told us that no one should be on profanity which is the trail that starts at the top of lower rock garden. He started talking about how the runoff was getting into the water supply. We were not even on the trail we were parked at the top of the hill waiting on the rest of our group. They also said that they don't know who made the trail but they did not ok it, and would be closing it ASAP. Just thought i would let everyone know. They were nice but made their point and moved on. I hope things aren't getting out of control for the people who provided this land for us to ride on this is the best place we go, so please heed the warnings and help keep this place running and open for everyone
That's actually "Lower Profanity". The real "Profanity" is off of trail 18. Either way though the trail out of the Lower Rock Garden is closed.

Just wanted to clear up the difference between the two. As far as I know "Profanity" (off of 18) is still open.
That stinks, but glad they are taking measures to make sure the park stays open. I will make sure we stay off it next time. I wasnt aware it was illegal. We cant exactly complain with how Harlan has welcomed us as a wheeling community.

One other thing to mention...if you go to Harlan now and are driving ANYTHING that looks halfway like a buggy on the street then you have to wear a helmet. Got pulled last time and had to explain to the cop that this was a registered vehicle...still argued that we must have a helmet. They are starting to crack down for sure.
upper lower i don't know i do know that the trial i am talking about crosses the gravel road and is connected by a culvert. I can't see them closing lower and leaving upper open. As far as i am concerned i won't be on either one until more info comes out. I haven't been up ther ein probably 8 months and it is sad to see how people are treating it up there trash left all over the place in the camping areas, signs broken. I guess there will always be people that forget that we are using somebody elses property free of charge and need to take care of it like it was ours.
We need to start promoting ''clubs'' and reasons to join them. The best reason of learn how to be a RESPONSIBLE wheeler. You learn what is expected of a responsible wheeler. EDUCATION, EDUCATION, EDUCATION......