propane freakin pro-pain in the a** !!


Feb 26, 2010
kings mountain nc
ok the forklift at work old antique forklift at work..... cat 1404 has a impco conversion on it. the vaporizer has been leaking and it hasnt been serviced since before bush was in office but was running pretty good, no exactly new but it did its job soooo.... cap, rotor, plugs, wires, and air filter replaced ran just like it did no problems no drive ability issues just the leak at the vaporizer. it has a model j and a model 100 on it. i changed all the gaskets and valves in the vaporizer and it ran like crap, messed with the mixture screw and it seemed to be fine. it rev up, hyd worked no stalling etc. sat from fri to monday, monday morning it would only spin over not even attempt to hit a lick, so i put everything old back in the vaporizer (not leaking now??) it took a few tries to fire up but would start and rev like a champ, i would let it set for a few hrs and try it again it would fire right up....but i stayed home with a sick child today only to get a text saying it was running poor again.. any help is much appreciated. i had propane on my k30 and never had any issued with it. it was a new got propane kit so thats probably why.
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