protecting your phone...metal working guys


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2013
Newton, NC
hey yall. Just got a new phone and looking for ideas of how to protect my phone from metal shavings...particularly the speaker and microphone. I've had the big legit case on it since a year ago but lit but little metal shavings found their way into the speaker and ruined it then couple days ago i guess worked their way into the board and shorted something out.
I got new one under insurance but looking for ideas of how maybe some of yall are protecting your phones.. The case covers everything but the speaker and the thumb pad so any bright ideas of how to keep shavings from getting into that speaker. thanks

I used one of these back in the metal's made of aluminum, screws together in two halves and the screen cover is some sort of glass (called "gorilla glass"). Seemed to do the trick for me. I also periodically used a small magnet to pull the metal splinters out of the microphone area.

This case is bulky, uncomfortable to hold and talk into, and god forbid you actually sit on it if it's in your back pocket (won't break anything but your ass). But it seemed to work pretty well at protecting the phone.

EDIT: A name would help -- it's a Gorilla Case.
so that case actually seals in the speaker itself...another words Everything is sealed in not cut out around them like most cases. I have the otterbox and love it, I've been using a bluetooth for 6yrs now so i never talk on it regularly lol
Put it in your pocket away from metal shavings? Cheap, simple, effective solution!
yeah this is through the pants and all lol. That's why I said metal guys, when you work with welding/grinding/cutting all day you get metal fine shavings everywhere and they work their way into the phone in your pocket lol.
Lifeproof. That’s all it takes. I won’t use a phone without one. Just buy case, install, and be happy.

When the screen gets all fuzzy and scratched up, buy a new one. It’s a consumable item to protect the device.
will look into it thanks
Its cellphone HELL where I work. I've found out the hard way multiple times that weld spatter will destroy a phone. Metal drill shavings aren't good for it either. I'm also around fine matal particulates that come from our wheelabrator that will embed into the cellphone speaker, then rust, and completely destroy it from the inside out. I've never seen any type of protection that actually works here. Putting it in your pocket will only work until you go to lift something and it smashes against your leg and sends shards all inside of your skin. when in the shop is one thing but working out in the field having a phone on us is not an option either. At least in our shop we have a designated shelf where everybody stores theirs. But the only guarantee of it not getting messed up as in our own cars.
Its cellphone HELL where I work. I've found out the hard way multiple times that weld spatter will destroy a phone. Metal drill shavings aren't good for it either. I'm also around fine matal particulates that come from our wheelabrator that will embed into the cellphone speaker, then rust, and completely destroy it from the inside out. I've never seen any type of protection that actually works here. Putting it in your pocket will only work until you go to lift something and it smashes against your leg and sends shards all inside of your skin. when in the shop is one thing but working out in the field having a phone on us is not an option either. At least in our shop we have a designated shelf where everybody stores theirs. But the only guarantee of it not getting messed up as in our own cars.
yeah that's kinda what I'm thinking now is keeping it far away and getting a more expensive earpiece that will reach further from the phone since that's all I use. I kinda need a better bluetooth anyways so sounds like money better spent and just keep the phone away in the Otterbox...good point to keep that sucker away from work area (shouldn't be on it while working anyways right? HAHA)
yeah that's kinda what I'm thinking now is keeping it far away and getting a more expensive earpiece that will reach further from the phone since that's all I use. I kinda need a better bluetooth anyways so sounds like money better spent and just keep the phone away in the Otterbox...good point to keep that sucker away from work area (shouldn't be on it while working anyways right? HAHA)
I mean it is hard to stay away from NC4x4 for that long....
I have an OtterBox on my phone right now and I'm still having issues with rust on the inside of my phone just from metal dust particles by themselves. In a shop environment it is possible to keep a work area fairly clean, but as everyone knows the second you start grinding on anything all that dust flings straight towards your clothes and sticks like a magnet. That's where the pocket trick does not work for any of us.
take it off, put in a drawer wrapped in a zip lock bag away from metal shavings and welding spark.

You need to be working anyway, not on your phone.
I wear Red Kap work shirts and keep my phone in my chest pocket. I've had the same Samsung S4 for 7 or 8 years...always had a case on it. If I'm getting real dirty, I just take my phone out of my pocket and leave it in my toolbox. It's pretty simple.
Lifeproof. That’s all it takes. I won’t use a phone without one. Just buy case, install, and be happy.

When the screen gets all fuzzy and scratched up, buy a new one. It’s a consumable item to protect the device.


I'm about to buy my third life proof for my S5. I work in a very dusty environment and also do a lot of welding and grinding at work and (when the case isn't broken) nothing has gotten to my phone. I take my phone duck hunting as well and have dropped it in the swamp a few times checking the legal time and it has never gotten wet through the case.
I usually just sit my phone on my Bluetooth radio which is far away from where I weld and grind.
I use an otter box. Can’t stand life proof. Every life proof I have used people always said they couldn’t hear me when I talk cause they are so “proof” they don’t let sound in. To fix the speaker dust issue I put a small piece scotch tape over the speakers then put the otter box over the phone. Been working flawlessly for a couple years. Still take the case apart every couple months to clean stuff but the speakers have been a non-issue.
I used to keep mine in this pocket.
Put it in a small Pelican micro case, like a 1040 or whatever size fits your phone. I use one of those on the boat for phone waterproofing and have a leash on it so it can't leave the boat. The lid is clear so you can see when it's ringing. They're like $15 from B&H Photo or places like that.

Then just keep the phone on a desk or whatever, where it should be when you're working.
My cordless shop phones will last around a week till they get metal in the speaker. I would take them apart and clean the speaker with a piece of tape to pull the metal away from the speaker. Now I put a piece of tape over the speaker hole and poke a little hole in the tape with a needle now it last till someone drops it in a bucket of oil or runs over it.
Literally lifeproof is completely sealed.

No metal dust or organic dust can get to the phone.

Just get the one that covers the screen and all.

It’s like $40 on Amazon....

Buy it, install, be happy, get back to life.

My phone stays in my pocket of my pants or upper chest pocket of my coveralls.

Crawl under houses all day and make big pieces of metal into dust at night and on weekends.
I put a small piece scotch tape over the speakers then put the otter box over the phone
OMG OMG I laughed so hard cause that is the idea I had yesterday when I got my new phone and my wife laughed so hard cause it's so ghetto but I agree, It works lol. Between the tape and keep it away from work while working I should be good. Good to know I'm not the only weirdo :p
next question since we're on Phones:
what is a Good COMFORTABLE Bluetooth Earpiece that is wallet friendly. I've had same one for 6 yrs works good, people can hear every sound within a mile of me lol, but it's not that comfortable unless I get it set in just exactly right.
take it off, put in a drawer wrapped in a zip lock bag away from metal shavings and welding spark.

You need to be working anyway, not on your phone.
Or stick it on the other side of the shop when working the welder, grinder, or plasma cutter.
Just put it away in your locker or wherever you store your coat and stuff.
It's not so bad for you to not have a phone on you all the time.

Buy yourself a cheap MP3 player to listen to music on your headphones or whatever if you need that.
Just put it away in your locker or wherever you store your coat and stuff.
It's not so bad for you to not have a phone on you all the time.

Buy yourself a cheap MP3 player to listen to music on your headphones or whatever if you need that.

Meh, the cost of a case isn't much and I'd rather have my phone with me personally. I don't wear a watch so it is my prI'm art time keeping device. I take work calls all the time so, for me, having it across the room where I can't hear it is out of the question. Any case that is waterproof will keep the grinding dust out. It's a simple fix.