The 90 cherokee is not OBD I, it is a renix controlled engine.
To do the swap you need to swap pretty much everything. Fuel Pump, Computer, Wiring Harness, all the sensors, and the entire engine assembly. It is a completely different setup. The good thing is, that even though you are swapping in an obdII engine, you dont have to worry with an emissions inspection since it is going into a 90. However, the ECU system on the OBDII, is more complex than the 91-95 OBDI system.
So pretty much You will need to graft everything from the 99 engine harness, computer, engine, accessories, fuel pump, into the 90. It can be done, but its definitely not one of the easier things to do. The hardest part is the harness/computer setup, and mating it with older harness.
The easiest way to do the swap, is with a complete donor vehicle, and a really accurate and complete wiring diagram from both vehicles, something better than whats in the back of a haynes/chilton manual.